MileageWise Bloglaw

MileageWise has passed the IT-security exam with an A+

February 1, 2022 IT security is becoming increasingly important in every website and software. Cyber ​​protection is a strategy to safeguard against threats to individuals, companies, institutions, and governments. It also plays a big role in the life of MileageWise mileage logging software, we pay maximum attention to it. MileageWise attaches great importance to the…

IRS Doubles Workforce?

October 14, 2021 The IRS will bring in much more revenue if Congress agrees to the Biden administration’s request to increase the agency’s budget over the next decade. Will it increase the number of IRS audits? How is it going to affect your financial status? Officers Reinforced In a report issued recently, the Congressional Budget…

Less commuting means higher business usage

Last updated on: October 18, 2023A great number of companies have decided that the safest thing to do during a pandemic is to send their employees home, to work from there. Remote working has its pros and cons, but one thing is for sure when it comes to mileage: it greatly reduces commuting miles, which…

What should you do when the IRS comes knocking on your door?

May 31, 2021 A recent article in Forbes summarized a lot of our thoughts on IRS Audits. We would like to take the chance and publish it without amendments. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), about 850,000 tax returns were audited for 2015, which was the most recent year for which it’s published data. That…

Prepare yourself for more rigorous tax reporting with MileageWise

Last updated on: January 6, 2022 It is not widely known what information the IRS has access to in general and what information they are looking for when conducting an IRS Audit (e.g. Mileage). Yet it is worth knowing that the IRS can track down Business expenses and is able to reconstruct a taxpayer's Daily…