MileageWise Blog70 logical conflicts

Never-before-seen AI technology on the Mileage Logging Market

Last updated: April 9, 2024The use of artificial intelligence accelerated across the U.S. economy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was lethal for many operators of different industries. The areas that were most in need of AI-based technology development were connected to helping remote workers and students with new services, but facilitating online shopping…

Biden Tax Plan: Mileage Logs can become Invaluable

April 22, 2021Under President Joe Biden’s new proposed tax plan tax rates for individuals whose income is $400,000 and higher would increase while corporations would also be subject to a new minimum tax on book income. The Social Security tax would be extended to higher income levels and the estate tax exemption would be reduced…

The Champion Combo of the Mileage Logging Market

Last updated on December 14, 2023 MileageWise Inc. offers quite a unique approach to Mileage logging especially when it comes to Past Mileage Recovery.  Whether you are facing an unexpected IRS Audit or just want to claim Past Mileage on your taxes (as you can claim Mileage for 3 years retrospectively) Retrospective Mileage Recovery is…

How to track Business Mileage

March 5, 2021 The single biggest return on your taxes out of all the Business tax deductions out there is on your Business Mileage. You can claim $1,000s of Business Mileage deduction on your taxes, and you can even claim your previous years' Business Mileage Deductions in case you haven’t done so in any of…

The Gig Economy is Evolving and so are the Tools helping them

February 28, 2021 The benefits of a Gig job are obvious, with flexibility probably being the biggest one. You can work for multiple companies at the same time, and by doing so you can optimize your working hours and your income. In today’s economic situation, the interest in taking a Gig job has only grown.…