Adding a new refueling / charging in MileageWise

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Note: Adding a refueling / charging is only necessary when using the Actual Expense Method. In the case of using the Standard Mileage Rate, you only need to log your arrival at the gas / charging station (the trip itself), as you would with any other client / location.

In Calendar View

The Calendar view shows which days you have previously marked as holidays on the Workdays / Days-off page. (If you entered a mid-month day when setting the starting odometer reading and date, you can’t see the days before that set date in the calendar.) Later, you will also be able to see the refuelings / chargings recorded in the mileage tracker app here. Double-click on the day for which you want to record a refueling / charging or select Add by right-clicking in the drop-down menu.

In List View

If this view is more convenient for you, switch to the List view by clicking the Useful tools button at the top right of the Calendar view! Later, you will also be able to see the refuelings / chargings recorded in the mileage tracker app there. Click on the day you want to record a refueling / charging!
mileage log list view
refueling list view
Fill in the data accordingly! Set the time using the arrows or enter the value by clicking on the numbers! If you did not set up the Real fuel consumption of your vehicle, later on, when you record a new refueling / charging a pop-up message in the upper-right corner of the Web Dashboard will inform you about the possibility of entering the Real fuel consumption of your vehicle. By Real fuel consumption, the software refers to real-life fuel consumption, as the average MPG provided by the vehicle manufacturer sometimes varies. If you don’t know or you don’t want to use the actual fuel consumption, because it also varies, you can always use the MPG rate provided by your car’s manufacturer. You can find the MPG information on the internet, on the sticker on your car, or in your Car Owner’s Manual. When you set up the AI Wizard feature, which is the feature that will help you finalize your mileage logs based on a few parameters, it uses this information to determine how many miles you can go with one full tank. So by giving the software this information, you ensure that a realistic amount of trips and miles will be included in your mileage logs. You can choose not to enter your Real fuel consumption or by clicking on the pop-up message you can enter the Real fuel consumption of your vehicle. When you set the Real fuel consumption for that car you can estimate your actual fuel consumption as little differences do not matter that much. Just make sure it is a realistic number based on the size of your tank. Select the Filling station from the list from the drop-down menu (you can add a new one using the + button on the right side of the field). To narrow down the list of results, start typing part of the name or address of the Filling station. Enter the amount of fuel that you put in the tank. Based on the actual consumption of your vehicle, entered previously in the Vehicles menu, we calculate how far you could have traveled with this quantity compared to the previous refueling / charging (if you are always refueling / charging the vehicle to a full tank). Of course, the actual consumption depends on the usage habits, so it may vary between two refuelings / chargings. For the very first refueling / charging of your vehicle, this value is irrelevant as the program won’t have any data to compare it to yet. The calculated distance and mileage are displayed on the right. Enter the calculated or actual Driven distance traveled or your odometer reading. These two fields affect each other, and if you fill one in the system will calculate the other value simultaneously. For an accurate mileage log, we recommend that you record your odometer reading at each refueling / charging! Enter this into the program as well, overwriting the value calculated beforehand!   If you record a refueling / charging with at least one refueling / charging recorded before (retrospectively), you can choose to recalculate the later recorded odometer readings based on the newly recorded refueling / charging data or leave the previously recorded odometer readings unchanged. Read more about this feature here. Tip: Disable this option if you already have your current mileage log up to date, but you also need to record previous mileage logs retrospectively. Thus, the current mileage log will remain unchanged.

When you have filled in all the data, click the Save button.

In Calendar View

In the Refueling / charging calendar view, you can then see which days you have recorded refuelings / chargings so far.

In List View

In the Refueling / charging List view, you can then see which days you have recorded refuelings / chargings so far. You can check the previously recorded odometer readings in a pop-up window by opening the top right Useful tools and clicking Odometer readings details. The system checks if you have provided lifelike refueling data and warns you if the data seems unrealistic (if the amount of refueling is more than $120 and the quantity is more than 18,5 gal). If the data is real, click Yes if you want to correct it, then click No.

Adding a new refueling / charging without Additional details

If the method you have chosen to be the base of your mileage log is the standard mileage rate, the software will allow you to only record the time and location in the Web Dashboard in case of a refueling / charging.

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