Report Generation

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How to Use the Report Feature to Generate Monthly Mileage Logs

The Report Feature in MileageWise is a powerful tool that allows you to generate IRS-Proof mileage logs for custom time periods and download a comprehensive periodic summary in just a few steps. This guide will walk you through how to use it effectively.

What is the Report Feature?

The Report Feature enables users to:
  • Select a custom time period (minimum 1 month, maximum 3 years at once).
  • Automatically run the Built-In IRS Auditor to ensure compliance.
  • Generate monthly mileage logs for the selected time frame.
  • Download an additional summary file that provides an overview of the selected period.
You can find the Report Feature in the Monthly Trips menu, located at the bottom of the left-hand menu tab. mileage report

Steps to Use the Report Feature

  1. Navigate to the Report Feature Open the Monthly Trips menu and scroll down to locate the Report option.
  2. Select the Desired Vehicle Choose the vehicle for which you want to generate the report.
  3. Set the Custom Time Period
    • Select a start date and an end date for the report.
    • The time period must be at least 1 month and can be up to 3 years.
  4. Generate the Report
    • Click the “Generate Report” button.
    • The system will run the IRS Auditor check and generate monthly mileage logs for the selected period.
  5. Download the Reports
    • Once the report generation is complete, press the “Download All” button.
    • This will download:
      • All monthly mileage logs for the selected period.
      • The Periodic Summary File provides an overview of the generated logs.
generate mileage report

Key Features of the Report Function

  • Built-In IRS Auditor Check: Ensures all mileage logs are compliant with IRS standards.
  • Customizable Periods: Generate reports for any timeframe between 1 month and 3 years.
  • Comprehensive Summary: Provides an easy-to-read summary file alongside the detailed mileage logs.

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