Would your mileage logs stand up to an IRS audit? We’ll prepare them for an IRS-proof result.

  • If you are a busy small business owner, leave it to our experts to keep track of your mileage. Save time, and get more accurate logs!
  • If you are self-employed using your personal car for business purposes, don’t miss out on claiming the business miles you drove with it! Get tax returns on it with our help!
  • If you are a real estate agent, we are sure you would be happy to have a good few $1,000s of business mileage deduction waiting for you in your bank account at the end of the year. Leave it to us to create the substantiating documentation (i.e. mileage logs) to support your claim.
  • Employees and employers can also entrust MileageWise with the task of keeping the company mileage logs. Get a ready-to-hand-in log at the end of the month!
  • If you’re an accountant and you don’t want to deal with the hassle of creating mileage logs for your clients, we have you covered! Let us prepare your clients’ mileage logs so that the only thing you have to concentrate on is their taxes!

We deal exclusively with mileage logging, which makes us unique in this industry. In Europe and the USA with our mileage log web dashboard and app, we have created IRS-proof mileage logs for 61142 cars of 54964 companies since 2001!

From daily feedback, we have noticed that many people are too busy to keep a mileage log that is up to date. Even though most people know they could claim a tax return on the business use of their car.

We have designed our mileage log, web dashboard, and mileage tracker app with the sole purpose of creating IRS-proof mileage logs in mind.

Google Timeline Mileage Logs

If you have your mileage log data on Google Timeline, here is how you can export your location data from Google Timeline in a JSON file, which is usually the hardest part for most people.

Once you’ve done that, all you have to do is send us that JSON file and our experts will be able to assemble the pieces and deliver a 100% IRS-compliant mileage log to you.

Are you in need of a retrospective log?

That can be easily done too. Before handing it over, our built-in IRS Auditor checks and corrects 70 logical conflicts in your mileage logs. Plus, you can connect almost any integrable system to our mileage log Web Dashboard, such as:

  • Other mileage tracker apps,
  • Your billing or accounting software,
  • Your built-in GPS devices,
  • Your CRM system,
  • Your refueling receipts,
  • and many other more.

Naturally, you can give us your data from other sources as well.

man in a car

What mileage log data will we need from you?

  • Your vehicle’s data, its real MPG,
  • A list of your frequently visited clients/addresses,
  • A list of your regular daily trips,
  • Details of your refueling (place, date, refueled quantity, and the total amount paid),
  • A list of your holidays when you were not working,
  • Your year-end, end-of-month odometer readings, and odometer readings recorded at refuelings/chargings.

Why would you rely on someone who doesn’t know what to do with your logs?

We do it with professionalism, joy, and enthusiasm because we love our job and we know how to create reliable, IRS-compliant reports!

How does MileageWise’s Mileage Log Tax Preparation Service work?

It’s just like handing over your mileage logs to your secretary or accountant. MileageWise will provide you with a mileage log draft (like your tax return draft), which you can review and then print if you’re 100% satisfied with it.

More and more people ask us to digitize their existing mileage logs that are not made with our software or verify their logs by checking and correcting them with our 70 logical conflict monitoring algorithms, just before an IRS Audit. In 90% of the cases, these logs need to be corrected, so we save our clients from paying a significant amount of money for a penalty.

What does the IRS say about mileage log evidence?

According to Publication 463 of the IRS, the best documentary evidence of a business expense is a record kept at or near the expense. However, as it may not always be realistic to keep a record at or near the expense, later recorded documentary evidence is also acceptable if it is in the IRS-required mileage log format and the data clearly supports the claimed expenses.

Therefore, the key determinant of a record’s legality and compliance is not the time when it was created but the legality and reality of its content. To reconstruct a mileage log is a possibility and an opportunity for all, who claimed business mileage deductions in the past but did not provide sufficient documented evidence.

When audited, the IRS can ask for a mileage log of the audited year and it will primarily and only will investigate its content and compliance with the requirements of the IRS.

Fill out the application form below and we will get back to you. You can be sure the return will be three times that of your investment, if not more.

Start Your Journey of IRS-Proof Logging


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